Creating an Atlas for field work from OSM with Field Papers

Resource file(s):

This resources facilitates field-work or field-trip prep to a case study through the easy creation of a field atlas for field notes.

OSM map with pages overlaid

Students or instructors can:

  • Select their case study area using an OSM WebMap
  • Define the number of pages and orientation the atlas will cover
  • Select the base Map (e.g., standard OSM, B&W, Satellite, Hybrid)
  • Toggle UTM grid
  • Define the paper size and orientation
  • Produce a PDF with the requested inputs

PDF contains an overlay map showing the context for both atlas pages. See attached example output

Usefulness or Purpose

This resource can be helpful when taking students to a case study or field trip, to quickly generate an overview map/atlas. Students can use it to annotate with thoughts and comments.

For student led activities or even simple field work, this resource can serve as a guide to become familiar with the area or to locate themselves. A compass is recommended in this case.

Please see above or at the resource's page regarding the license.
Created by Cyrille Médard de Chardon
on 2023-03-29