Contributing an OER

Contributing an OER takes 3 steps:

  1. Register for an account
    • Make sure you confirm your registration by email.
    • Note that it may take several days for the membership to review your registration request.
    • Once you have been welcomed to Digilego (by email) you will be invited to set your password.
    • Once your password is configured, login.
  2. Create a new OER and carefully complete and submit the form
    • Carefully review your OER for typos, making sure all the necessary steps/requirements have been satisfied as much as possible.
    • When you submit your OER for peer-review it may again take a few days for a response as someone qualified must evaluate your OER.
    • You can observe the state of your OERs on your account page
  3. Complete requested modifications, if any
    • The moderation navigation link becomes visible when an action becomes available to you.
    • You will likely be requested to make some modifications.
    • Don't be frustrated, we all make mistakes. Taking great care in step 2 can reduce the number of iterations.

Your OER will become publicly visible when a certain number of moderators have accepted it for publication.